panoproject° team congratulates everyone on the New Year and wishes everyone good health, a ton of inspiration and peaceful sky above 🙂
There were many significant moments and achievements for us in 2017:
– we finally got a quadcopter!
– began to shoot aerial photos, panoramas & videos;
– we shot the first 360° video;
– started shooting timelapses and we really like it!
– we shot a timelapse in Prague;
– made a video for professional coffee roasters from 25 Coffee Roasters;
– we visited Odessa, the Carpathians and Dnipro;
– made hundreds of wonderful photos.
And also we shot a couple of videos and one timelapse from the New Year’s Freedom Square in our lovely Kharkiv, and we want to share them with you. Enjoy! 🙂
The fist video was shot above the Freedom Square before the New Year:
You can see the ice rink and the fair a bit closer in out timelapse 🙂
And the second video was shot around our Kharkiv Christmas tree:
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be the first to know about new videos! 🙂